Programs expiration dates.

To keep our certification schemes up to date, our Syllabuses are regularly reviewed by relevant expert groups. Consequently, outdated versions of programs will expire. Here is the expiration date for the legacy curriculum:


The ISTQB Advanced Level Test Analyst and Technical Test Analyst certification, based on the 2012 English version of the curriculum, ended on February 4, 2021 (other languages ​​will be available as early as August 4, 2021).
Effective February 4, 2021, exams or training courses Test Analyst and Technical Test Analyst in English may only be conducted based on the 2019 version of the curriculum.


Curriculum 2.2 and 3.0.
From 01.10.2020, participants can take the IREB CPRE Foundation Level exam based on curriculum version 2.2 or based on the new version of the program 3.0. In this version 3.0 and the exam for this version are only available in German and English. All other languages ​​will be translated soon.
For English and German, from April 1, 2021, exams can only be taken under version 3.0.


IBUQ Usability Engineering
IBUQ and UXQCC have merged into one certification scheme, the IBUQ CPUE exam will only be available until 06/30/2021. After that, only the UXQCC exam can be taken.

About UXQCC:

The User Experience Qualification Center (UXQCC) or User Experience Qualification Center develops and maintains certifications for user experience and usability professionals, companies, and products. UXQCC certifications are valued by UX organizations and companies around the world. Continuous improvement of the program under the supervision of an international council of experts for quality certification and training. The combination of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and didactic excellence constitutes one of the most advanced UX learning in the world.